CISO as a Service

Cybersecurity advisory


The context

Cyberattacks in the organization

All organisations with a certain degree of digitalisation must protect their technological infrastructures against cyber-attacks.

Ransomware or information leaks can lead not only to financial losses and legislative sanctions, but also to a loss of trust.

In this sense, having the cybersecurity advice of a specialised company can be essential to implement effective security measures adapted to the needs of each organisation.

An IT security consultant can help identify weaknesses in the technological infrastructure and offer solutions to mitigate risks and protect sensitive information.

It is important to note that the market offers a wide range of technological services and solutions to cover different aspects of security, from secure and controlled access to information systems, to the protection of operating systems and applications, to perimeter network security, intrusion detection, incident management and business continuity. Many organisations are faced with the difficult challenge of making a choice, without knowing for sure whether this choice will be the right one.


Balusian and cybersecurity

What we offer in our cybersecurity advisory services

Through our cybersecurity consultancy service, we help and accompany organizations in the following aspects:

  • Identifying the most critical risk scenarios that may arise, as well as their real impact.
  • Determine the most appropriate solutions.
  • Assessing the cybersecurity budget required.
  • Establish an action and transformation plan that takes into account technical, procedural and, above all, people aspects.  This action plan can be articulated through the regulatory framework that best suits the organisation (ISO 27001, ENS, NIST, …).
I’m interested
consultoría en ética para IA

Our methodology

What will our cybersecurity consultant do?

At Balusian we have consultants with extensive experience in this type of activities, something that not all organisations can afford, and who are aware that this is a very personalised work that must be adapted to each organisation. Therefore, the focus is not only on the identification of the immediate risk, but also on the accompaniment, training and transformation of the responsible personnel.


Status report

Action Plan

Por qué confiar
en Balusian

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    • Responsable: BALUSIAN S.L.
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    • Derechos: Tiene derecho a acceder, rectificar y suprimir los datos, así como otros derechos, como se explica en la información adicional, contactando con BALUSIAN S.L. a través de o +34 618 905 641.

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    Información adicional sobre protección de datos

    ¿Quién es el Responsable del tratamiento de sus datos personales?

    • Razón social: BALUSIAN S.L.
    • CIF: B98699440
    • Dirección fiscal: Paseo María Agustín 25 1º1ª, 50004 Zaragoza
    • Teléfono: +34 618 905 641
    • Correo electrónico:
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